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Ethics & Governance

Creating 360° Value

Responsible Company

Becoming a sustainability leader

Environmental Sustainability

Making a difference through climate action

Supply chain

Driving responsible change across our value chain

Our people

Caring for our people

360° Value Reporting

All reporting in one place

Living our core values

Our core values

Client value creation

Enabling clients to become high-performance businesses and creating long-term relationships by being responsive and relevant and by consistently delivering value.

One global network

Leveraging the power of global insight, relationships, collaboration and learning to deliver exceptional service to clients wherever they do business.

Respect for the individual

Valuing diversity and unique contributions, fostering a trusting, open and inclusive environment and treating each person in a manner that reflects Accenture's values.

Best people

Attracting, developing and retaining the best talent for our business, challenging our people, demonstrating a "can-do" attitude and fostering a collaborative and supportive environment.


Being ethically unyielding and honest and inspiring trust by saying what we mean, matching our behaviors to our words and taking responsibility for our actions.


Fulfilling our obligation of building a better, stronger and more durable company for future generations, protecting the Accenture brand, meeting our commitment to stakeholders, acting with an owner mentality, developing our people and helping improve communities and the global environment.

Conducting business with integrity

Ethisphere’s 2021 World’s Most Ethical Companies

This is Accenture’s 14th consecutive year on the list.

Building a strong ethical culture

Supporting and respecting the rights of all people

Anticorruption policies and compliance

Digital responsibility

Data privacy and information security

Safeguarding data is one of our most important responsibilities. We are continually evolving our approach to information security and data protection.

Responsible AI

We are acutely sensitive to our role in innovating responsibly and consider AI and related technologies one of our highest ESG priorities. Read more.

Adhering to best practices and policies

More about sustainability

United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020