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Every day, we create 360° value

Explore the value we deliver to our clients, people, shareholders, partners and communities.

What is 360° value?

We define 360° value as delivering the financial business case and unique value a client may be seeking, and striving to partner with our clients to achieve greater progress on inclusion and diversity, reskill and upskill our clients' employees, help our clients achieve their sustainability goals, and create meaningful experiences both with Accenture and for the customers and employees of our clients.

Stories of 360° value in action

See more examples of 360° value in action: Check out our additional case studies.


Access our comprehensive collection of reports, offering insights into our performance, strategic initiatives and value creation.

ESG Frameworks

Discover our ESG Frameworks driving environmental stewardship, social responsibility and strong governance for sustainable growth.

  • CDP Climate Response
    CDP Climate Response

    Founded in 2000, CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project) is a not-for-profit charity that runs a global disclosure system for investors, companies, cities, states and regions to manage their environmental impacts. Accenture has responded to the CDP Climate Change questionnaire since 2007, and we ask our key suppliers to do the same. We are proud to be among the top-scoring companies on CDP's Climate Change A List for eight years.

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  • Global Reporting Initiative Context Index
    Global Reporting Initiative Context Index

    GRI Standards help businesses, governments and other organizations understand and communicate their impacts on ESG issues. They are regularly reviewed to ensure they reflect global best practices for sustainability reporting and help us respond to the needs of our stakeholders and regulators. Accenture has aligned with GRI disclosures and produced a GRI Context Index since our 2008-2009 Corporate Citizenship Report.

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  • Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Index
    Sustainability Accounting Standards Board Index

    The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) aims to produce information that is decision-useful for investors. This index reflects our alignment with the Software & IT Services industry standards from the SASB framework.

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  • Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosures Index
    Taskforce on Climate Related Financial Disclosures Index

    We have reported in alignment with The Financial Stability Board's Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) since 2018 to CDP's climate change program. The Financial Stability Board established TCFD in 2015 to move the climate disclosure agenda forward by emphasizing the link between climate-related risk and financial stability.

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  • United Nations Global Compact Communications on Progress
    United Nations Global Compact Communications on Progress

    Accenture has been a signatory to the United Nations Global Compact (UNGC) since January 2008. We continued to utilize the UNGC's reporting questionnaire format in 2024 to communicate the progress we made during the prior fiscal year (Accenture's fiscal 2023) in implementing the Ten Principles of the UNGC and supporting the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

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  • World Economic Forum International Business Council Index
    World Economic Forum International Business Council Index

    The stakeholder Capitalism Metrics framework is intended to help companies to align their mainstream reporting on performance against ESG indicators, with the near-term objective of bringing greater comparability and consistency to the reporting of ESG disclosures. Accenture has been involved in the initiative since its launch and signed the CEO "Letter of Commitment" in support of the Stakeholder Capitalism Metrics, which was showcased at the Davos Dialogues in January 2021.

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Create value for clients Reinvention
Clients Partners People
Access talent Create talent Unlock people's potential
Our commitment Leadership Culture Experiences Communities
Environment Ethics & governance Human rights Supply chain Accenture Development Partnerships Community impact
Financial performance

Additional downloads:

CDP link GRI link SASB link TCFD link UNGC link WEF IBC link
Performance Data Table link Goals and progress for Sustainability link

Awards & recognition

A Great Place To Work

No. 6 on the World's Best Workplaces™ list.


This recognition is based on feedback from our people—measuring their level of trust, pride and camaraderie at work.

See related awards

The Top Consulting Firm

Earned the top spot among the World’s Best Management Consulting Firms.


Forbes recognized Accenture as the management consulting firm most recommended by consultants and clients, across industries and functional areas, around the world.

See related awards

An Influential Innovator

Julie Sweet, our chair and CEO, is one of the TIME100 Most Influential People of 2024.


Every day, Julie and all of us at Accenture help the world’s leading companies embrace continuous reinvention, with innovation and people at the center.

See related awards

Our reporting approach

Accountability and transparency are top priorities and part of the foundation on which we build trust with our stakeholders.

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