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Chief Technology Officer-as-a-Service

Chief Technology Officer-as-a-Service (Chinese)


Delivering clarity and simplicity

Chief Technology Officer-as-a-Service | Accenture

What our client says

Digital transformation journey

"Accenture understood my business' challenges and goals, and recommended solutions that helped to digitalise our end-to-end workflow." —Chung Tze Kit, Managing Director, Personal Trainer Certification Pte Ltd

Safe Space | CTO-as-a-Service

Client case studies

Killiney medical clinic

“Going digital has allowed us to grasp every patient’s conditions at our fingertips and provide better personalised care for all.”

Pawsible enrichment school

“CTO-as-a-Service has helped us to stay on top of each dog’s needs and focus on making Pawsible a better place for our fur friends.”

Mindox techno

“Accenture has guided us to optimise government grants to digitalise and accelerate future growth for our business.”

Benny’s gems creations

“With CTO-as-a-Service, we can tap on Accenture’s digital expertise and access to market proven solutions.”

Digital advisory services

Business needs assessment

Understanding your business background and taking you through a guided discussion to identify your top needs and ambitions.

Digital roadmap planning

Identification of your business’ progress along the digital roadmap and the path towards continued growth.

Solutions review

Evaluation of PSG pre-approved solutions and how they can help to address your business needs and potential concerns.

Cybersecurity & data risk assessment

Assessment of cybersecurity and data usage risks based on industry best practices.

Project management services

Project delivery management

Working with the solution vendor to coordinate on key activities and milestones and providing you with progress tracking and updates.

Risk and issue management

Identification of potential risks and issues and recommending any necessary options for mitigation.

Vendor and user testing

Coordinating with the solution vendor to develop use cases for testing and advising you throughout the testing process.

User training and launch preparation

Coordinating with the solution vendor on user training and developing readiness checklists for launch preparation.

Work with us

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