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In brief

Is work evolving in ways that support people?

“It is critically important to understand what matters to your employees, because 9 times out of 10, your employee is also your customer.”

— Christie Smith, Senior Managing Director – Global Lead of Talent & Organization
Accenture Future of Work 2022 Study


Of workers at companies that communicated a long-term work-model decision, only 35% feel the decision reflects research, data and employee needs.


Only 29% of workers now trust that their company’s leaders have their best interests at heart.   

CEOs must invest in the right approaches


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Future of work 2022: Today’s actions matter 

Accenture Future of Work 2022 Study

Give omni-connected experiences, get business value

Four questions to ask 

What is your organization’s purpose? 

Purpose has been used to attract new talent, not to help existing workers feel that they are contributing to something bigger than themselves. Leaders can make purpose part of culture by embedding it in many interactions, during recruitment and career development. 

  • 52% say purpose is more of a talent branding tool than a real catalyst for change

How are your leaders supporting people? 

Supportive leadership, organizational agility and work autonomy have increased, but they are not equitably distributed among the workforce. When leaders shed command-and-control models and lead with intent, they give people autonomy to choose their own path to get business done.  

  • 53% of CEOs still prioritize productivity over people’s well-being

How are leaders creating better work experiences?

Leaders have invested in onsite work improvements, rather than in resources that help workers be “productive anywhere” and Net Better Off. Better work experiences rely on omni-connected cultures, where people are connected and feel they belong, regardless of physical location.  

  • Being omni-connected accounts for 59% of someone’s intention to stay with a company.

Do your workers have the right digital skills? 

Digital skills have decreased, especially among key workforce groups. To build digital fluency and contribute to innovation and better customer experiences, people need ongoing training and digital tools need to be at the center of how people connect, work and grow.  

  • Only 31% of workers are confident their skills will be relevant in five years  

What will you decide? 

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Work in progress: The future of work depends on us

Accenture’s Future of Work Study 2022 backed up the 2021 results and showed a disconnect between leaders and workers, as leaders invested in onsite work. 


The future of work: Productive anywhere

Accenture’s Future of Work Study 2021 showed that most people want hybrid work and flexible work arrangements to thrive and be happy at work.


About the Authors

Christie Smith

Lead – Talent & Organization/Human Potential

John-Paul Pape

Managing Director – Talent & Organization

David A. Ramirez

Managing Director – Future of Work, Global Lead

Elena Pienkowski

Senior Managing Director – Talent & Organization, Change Management, Global Lead


From always connected to omni-connected experiences

From always connected to omni-connected experiences

Better to belong

Better to belong

Honing your digital edge

Modern cloud champions

Get the essentials

When people can work anywhere, they’re better off

1 minute read

When people can work anywhere, they’re better off

Optimizing the resources that ensure a healthy and productive workforce, regardless of physical location, will produce bottom-line benefits.