Research Report
Care reinvention
January 24, 2023
Research Report
January 24, 2023
Health systems worldwide are at a breaking point. Changing demographics, competitive demands and workforce constraints are making traditional healthcare models unsustainable. The shortage of clinicians is affecting patient and worker experiences, which can negatively impact health organizations’ performance. It is simply impossible to hire or train one’s way out of this challenge. The only way forward is to fundamentally rethink ways of working, reimagining how technology and human ingenuity can help improve access, experience and outcomes for all.
A complete reinvention of care delivery includes using technology to augment clinician capacity and lift the burden off caregivers, enabling them to do what they do best—help people. It involves bringing services closer to patients and enabling providers to deliver care anywhere—from home to hospital, at any time. A reinvention will also renew the organization’s culture and spirit, building the resilience and agility to always adapt to change.
What will a reinvention of care delivery yield? Labor costs go down, operating margins improve and health systems support their patient and workforce while also driving growth. Transformation must happen and it will happen with the right resources.
Imagine a reinvention of care delivery that uses technology to systematically delegate tasks to employees with the right licensure so that clinicians can focus on what they were trained to do.
A reinvention of care delivery uses technology to optimize clinical time so healthcare workers can focus on care that is meaningful for them and the patients they serve. Here’s how:
Accenture Health has the skills, services and strategic partners to help healthcare organizations deliver humanized, empathetic care to people by maximizing the power of technology and human ingenuity. These are some of the ways in which we are helping our clients to reimagine their futures.
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