Sustainable finance
Many financial institutions are committed to achieving net-zero in both their operations and financing and are ideally placed to help their clients do the same. This requires new skills but will unlock new revenue streams.
Why sustainable finance?
Leading financial services firms have committed to achieve net-zero carbon emissions from both their operations and the assets they finance. However, turning ESG commitments into action is proving challenging. Embracing sustainability not only unlocks new revenue potential, but also reduces risk and costs, safeguards the industry's future, and contributes to a greener world.
of banks are off track to achieve net zero by 2050 and are still growing emissions.
Companies with consistently high ESG performance tended to score 2.6 times higher on total shareholder return (TSR) than medium ESG performers do.
of CEOs are launching new product & and service offerings for sustainability.
What you can do
To achieve net zero, it’s critical to fully integrate sustainability into your corporate strategy and operating models. That will also make sustainability a driver of growth.
of financial services CEOs are upskilling or reskilling their workforce for the future labor market.
It will become even more important for financial institutions to differentiate themselves with sustainability-centered products and services as public sentiment, behavior and market dynamics continue to change.
of financial services CEOs are launching new product and service offerings for sustainability. Only 63% of CEOs in other industries are doing so.
Transform your operating model to align with your sustainability purpose and the UN Sustainability Development Goals (SDGs). Build a sustainable culture and infrastructure across your organization—from procurement to operations, IT and beyond.
of financial services CEOs are digitizing their business processes.
Without data, there can be no action. Because the ESG data landscape is evolving so rapidly, it’s critical to build robust, scalable data solutions that offer data control framework, analytics and stress tests to facilitate reporting and disclosure.
of C-suite leaders are enhancing sustainability data collection across their value chains.
Harness sustainability as a driver of growth. Create a sustainability culture by training and educating your employees about climate change and ESG. Build extensive skills and upgrade information systems in support of this agenda.
of financial services CEOs are investing in developing sustainability skills in their organization.
What’s trending in sustainable finance
Our leaders
Jon Williams
Managing Director – Global Financial Services Sustainability Lead
Nina Jais
Managing Director – Financial Services Sustainability Lead, EMEA
Amy Callahan
Senior Managing Director – Sustainability Services Americas Lead
Alison Kennedy
Senior Managing Director – Sustainability and Enterprise Reinvention Lead, Asia Pacific