Nalini Pius, vice-president of Fidelity Investments, credits mentoring as being the first step in her path to leadership. Ten years ago, she was asked to participate in a mentoring program for five employees from different teams. She recollects having a lot of questions on her mind such as "will this new role eat into my work commitments or will I be able to make an impact on my mentee’s career."
Today, Nalini has led several successful mentoring programs within her company and created success for herself in every step of the way.
The moment you are chosen as a mentor, you’re in the limelight. If done well, you can greatly hone your leadership skills as well as fast track your career.
"Mentoring is an influential and positive pay-it-forward program. It creates a synergy and makes the relationship rewarding for both mentor and mentee. One of the recurring affirmations of being a mentor is that it assured my capabilities of being a leader. I’m proud of how my mentees have transformed into avid risk-takers, taken on greater responsibilities and often credited our mentoring program for their success," said Nalini.
Mentoring is a great way to hone your leadership skills. It is a strategic tool that provides high-visibility within any organization. This is because mentoring involves interacting with a diverse set of people. It requires mentors to penetrate the barriers, understand the mentee’s struggles and then decide on a common attainable goal. Effective communication, efficient planning and periodic checkpoints are laid out and followed through. "This will become the bedrock of your career as you move into leadership roles,'' affirms Nalini.