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Upstream operations

Transforming how oil and gas companies operate to enhance exploration and production, and drive profitability and growth at scale.

Scale first and fast


Cashflow cost prediction

Connect operations and finance more effectively to make adjustments sooner, not months later.

Process optimization

Integrate processes, systems and data enabling visibility across silos and optimal decision making.

Operational excellence

Improve processes and enhance sustainability via cost optimization and digital process management.

Digital supply chain

Use intelligent technology to create real-time end-to-end visibility and secure collaboration.

Data-driven decision making

Make better decisions in increasingly more complex plays based on data insights.

Future upstream workforce

Manage contingent labor risk directly and be more agile in deploying a flexible, liquid workforce.

What we think

Relevance and profitability for oil and gas

Oil and gas E&P companies face disruption and pressure from many directions. See how they can get on the path to profitability.

Releasing the analytical power of oil & gas talent

Analytics and AI will disrupt the oil and gas upstream industry⁠ — the only questions are when, by whom and how much?

Our leaders

Herve Wilczynski

Managing Director – Strategy & Consulting, Energy Upstream Lead

Emma Wild

Managing Director – Global Upstream Energy Lead

Edson Bouer

Managing Director – Strategy & Consulting, Energy Lead, Brasil