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Employee experience

Unlock the potential of both your people and your business by transforming your employee experience

The challenge

Turn disruption into opportunity. Invest in experiences that inspire.

Generative AI and other emerging technologies are already changing the roles employees play and how they work, causing many to feel uncertain about their future. Help your people feel Net Better Off by understanding them in the context of their whole lives, not just their work life. Use real-time data and insights to design powerful, personalized work experiences that exceed their expectations.

How we help

Together, we experiment and innovate to deliver experiences that exceed expectations.

Set the strategy

We baseline today, envision tomorrow, define how to get there, and leverage our best-in-class capabilities to measure success.

Transform experiences

As your organization transforms, so must your employee experience. As a #1 EX services provider, we ensure your business and your people win.

Build capabilities

Design and build the agile capabilities you need to deliver consistently exceptional employee experiences.

Manage operations

Delivering across the globe through operation centers and intelligent solutions we scale talent and tech to deliver a complete employee experience.

Our leaders

Jasmine Jaco

Global Lead – Employee Experience, Talent & Organization

Shelley Evenson

Global Lead – Employee Experience, Song

Meredith Juszczak

Managing Director – Employee Experience, Song

Cali Ressler

Senior Manager – Employee Experience, Talent & Organization