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The Space age has started. Is your business ready?

We believe every company will be a Space company. The barriers to entry continue to fall, making it easier than ever to begin your Space journey today.

Unlocking global solutions through Space Tech

By 2035, the space economy is projected to reach $1.8 trillion according to World Economic Forum, marking a significant leap from $630 billion in 2023. This growth, driven by advancements in satellite technology and microgravity research, opens vast opportunities for industries ranging from logistics to healthcare. The future of innovation and strategic insights lies with space tech.

What you can do with Space today

Leveraging near real-time geospatial data to predict and respond to wildfires, flooding and other natural disasters, minimizing risks and saving lives.

Monitor health of nature’s ecosystems with satellite imagery, enabling informed decisions for reducing deforestation and preserving biodiversity.

Measure harmful emissions across your assets and supply chains from satellite data to make informed decisions helping you reach your sustainability goals

Use satellite communications to enable seamless operations, remote collaboration and truly global connectivity.

Utilizing microgravity and the unique environment of Space to accelerate drug development.

Our leader

Paul Thomas

Managing Director and Lead – Space Innovation, Technology