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#Berlin calling! Create impactful #brandmessaging as part of our team and give Europe’s biggest companies a distinct aesthetic.

Your mission

As a Digital Design Intern, you will join the vibrant world of Accenture Song’s Venture Studio – where creative thinking and digital design are king. You will support our team in launching groundbreaking projects and continually breathing fresh life into them. #Productdesign, #branding, and visual #storytelling are your sectors of skill. But this is no place for a mere spectator – rather, you will be actively involved in projects from the get-go. In doing so, you combine what you learned at university with practical experience and get a feel for #agencylife.

At Accenture, you create an environment for you to flourish in – employing methods that align seamlessly with what you want to achieve in your career. You remain flexible as part of a team full of unique people who make a difference together.

Your daily work

  • Experience UI and UX design first-hand.
    Under the guidance of experienced mentors, you will participate in the development of intuitive user interfaces, gaining deep insights into the process – from initial idea to finished product.

  • Immerse yourself in our culture of innovation.
    You play a vital role as we breathe life into and actualize new projects. This gives you the opportunity to learn from outstanding innovators, understanding how novel concepts come alive and how we consistently make our projects distinguish themselves from the crowd.

  • Discover the power of visual storytelling. 
    You aid our efforts in crafting and narrating compelling brand stories, leveraging your creative and strategic thinking. You’ll unearth the potency of visual identities and master the art of conveying robust brand narratives effectively.


Who you are

  • You’re in the middle of a design-related degree, ideally with a focus on visual design, graphic design, or interaction design in your masters program.

  • The latest design trends get your pulse racing, and you get a kick out of working with digital tools.

  • You’ve had a taste of agency life and know a thing or two about creative drive. We love that!

  • Communication is your strong point, and you can express yourself clearly and confidently in both German and English.

  • We are a curious bunch of people: Please add your current design portfolio to your application.

What we offer

  • Tailored working time model with flexible working hours

  • Work where you’re needed – at Accenture’s office in Berlin or remotely

  • Personal mentoring and on-the-job training

  • Exciting employee events

  • A diverse and inclusive work culture

Life at Accenture

In this role, you’ll be part of Accenture Song. With empathy, creativity, and technology, we help our clients grow in the digital realm. We bring together talented individuals from design, technology, communication, marketing, and strategy to create solutions that inspire and contribute to a better world.

The Accenture culture: Here, YOU are the catalyst for change

Your unique combination of skills, personality, and aspirations sets you apart. When distinct talents, strengths, and perspectives merge, the result is nothing short of extraordinary: ideas that propel the world forward. This is we champion diversity and personal development at Accenture. Create a working environment where you truly thrive; with responsibilities that resonate deeply; with a workload that is perfectly aligned with your capabilities; and methods that are tailored to your objectives. How you wish to connect, further your development, and personally evolve rests in your hands. This is your career. We are mere facilitators, helping you shape it exactly as you envision.

Contact us

Any questions? Feel free to reach out to

We look forward to meeting you! #LI-EU

Arbeiten bei Accenture


Gib jeden Tag dein Bestes in einem Arbeitsumfeld, das dir hilft, bei allem, was du tust, innovativ zu sein.

Training und Entwicklung

Nimm dir die Zeit, dich in unseren regionalen Lernzentren, vernetzten Klassenzimmern und Online-Kursen regelmäßig weiterzubilden.

Benefits bei Accenture

Was du bei uns leistest, soll sich lohnen! Deshalb bieten wir dir vielfältige Benefits mit echtem Mehrwert.

Erfahre mehr über Accenture

Mehr über unsere Arbeit erfahren

Erfahre mehr darüber wie wir auf Veränderung setzen, um Mehrwert und gemeinsamen Erfolg zu schaffen – für Kunden, Mitarbeitende, Aktionäre, Partner und für die Gemeinschaft.

Lerne uns kennen

Vom Berufseinsteiger bis zur Führungsebene, über alle Geschäfts- und Industriesegmente hinweg, lerne unsere Mitarbeiter kennen, die Technologie nutzen, um jeden Tag etwas zu bewegen.

Bleibe in Kontakt

Werde Teil unseres Teams

Suche nach offenen Positionen, die deinen Fähigkeiten und Interessen entsprechen. Wir suchen leidenschaftliche, neugierige, kreative und lösungsorientierte Teamplayer.

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