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This role bridges the gap between engineering and sales, leveraging technical expertise to facilitate substantive contracts in areas like Open-Source Management, Automotive Cyber Security, and Quality Management.

This position is available in full time and part time.

Your Mission

As a sales engineer you leverage your technical expertise and understanding of engineering principles to bridge the gap between engineering and sales, actively contributing to the advancement of selected topics such as Open-Source Management, Automotive Cyber Security, and Quality Management. You will serve as a key point of contact for internal and external stakeholders, ensuring effective communication and providing valuable insights to drive business growth and customer satisfaction.

At Accenture, you create an environment for you to flourish in – employing methods that align seamlessly with what you want to achieve in your career. You remain flexible as part of a team full of unique people who make a difference together. 

What awaits you

  • At the interface between sales and engineering, you will contribute your technical expertise to be able to conclude substantive and sustainable contracts with our customers and partners.
  • Know how in cybersecurity (UNECE R 155, R156, ISO 21434), software quality or open-source software licensing is desirable.
  • In your area of expertise, you take responsibility for the commercial evaluation of requirements and accompany multi-year development projects throughout the entire lifecycle.


What we are looking forward to

  • Completed engineering studies or business studies with technical specialization (industrial engineering, business informatics, or comparable).
  • Professional experience in software, automotive desirable. Interest in an interface function between engineering and sales.
  • Willingness to contribute your expertise to one of the selected topics or to familiarize yourself comprehensively with it, to drive it forward and to be available as a contact person for internal and external stakeholders: a) Open-Source Management (OSS licensing, tracking, reporting), b) Automotive Cyber Security (standards & norms, including UNECE R155, R156, ISO 21434), c) Quality Management (standards and methods of modern software development)
  • Motivation to help shape the future through a high degree of personal initiative.
  • Business fluent in German and English (written & spoken)

What we offer you

  • Creative freedom through flat hierarchies, flexible working-time models and the option of an individual home-office hybrid model.
  • Competitive salary and an extensive company social benefit package including a company pension scheme, employee discounts, the option to participate in our employee share purchase plan and much, much more!
  • A comprehensive training catalogue to optimally qualify our employees for the demands of the market and inhouse training sessions from colleagues to colleagues.
  • An unlimited supply of coffee, drinks and bugs to fix.

You and Accenture

In this role, you'll be part of Accenture Industry X.

We connect #engineering and #manufacturing with data and technologies. This is how we empower our clients to realign their product and value chains with digital twins, smart assets and connected manufacturing processes - for the industry of the future.

The Accenture culture: Here, YOU are the catalyst for change 

Your unique combination of skills, personality, and aspirations sets you apart. When distinct talents, strengths, and perspectives merge, the result is nothing short of extraordinary: ideas that propel the world forward. This is we champion diversity and personal development at Accenture. Create a working environment where you truly thrive; with responsibilities that resonate deeply; with a workload that is perfectly aligned with your capabilities; and methods that are tailored to your objectives. How you wish to connect, further your development, and personally evolve rests in your hands. This is your career. We are mere facilitators, helping you shape it exactly as you envision. 

Your contact

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact Sina Bertal of our recruiting team via email at

We are looking forward to your application via our online application form!



Gaimersheim, Kulmbach, Munich

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