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Industry X- LIMS Project Lead

multiple locations +view all Job No. 13044136 Full-time - On-Site

Descripción Del Puesto

Accenture, recognized as a Great Place To Work®, is a leading global professional services company that helps major businesses, public administrations, and other organizations around the world develop their digital core, optimize their operations, accelerate revenue growth, and improve services for citizens, creating tangible value at speed and scale.

Revolutionize what our clients do and how they do it. Apply your strategic thinking and identify opportunities. Drive change through transformation processes and the design, construction and delivery of products. Join Accenture´s digital engineering and manufacturing team!

Will you join the challenge?

We are looking to hire a manager to lead our MES and LIMS projects, collaborating in the following functions:

Define opportunities to create tangible business value for the client by leading current state assessments and identifying high level customer requirements, defining the business solutions and structures needed to realize these opportunities, and developing business case to achieve the vision.

If you bring experience in the defined functions, do not hesitate to apply, we will contact you!




- 5-7 Years of experience leading small to medium size Laboratory Informatics projects
- 5-7 Years of experience working in regulated environments
- 5-7 Years of experience implementing enterprise laboratory information management systems (LIMS, ELN)
- 5-7 years of experience implementing technology under a defined corporate and compliant methodology

- English is essential and French is a plus as you will work on international projects.

- Experience with at least one of the following systems: LabWare, Starlims, or LabVantage.


Barcelona, Madrid

La Vida en Accenture


Da lo mejor de ti mismo cada día trabajando en un ambiente de trabajo que potencia la innovación en todo lo que haces.


Tómate tu tiempo para formarte y desarrollarte ya sea en nuestros centros regionales de aprendizaje, a través de las aulas conectadas, cursos online o paneles de aprendizaje.

Acerca de Accenture

Nuestra experiencia

Descubre cómo impulsamos el cambio para crear valor y éxito compartido para cada uno de nuestros clientes, personas, accionistas, socios y comunidades.
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Conoce a nuestra gente

Conoce a nuestros innovadores en acción y deja que te cuenten cómo emplean la tecnología para marcar la diferencia.

Mantente al día

Únete al equipo

Busca ofertas de empleo que coincidan con tus habilidades e intereses. Buscamos personas proactivas, curiosas, creativas con ganas de trabajar en equipo.

Mantente al día

Mantente al día de las últimas noticias, consejos y oportunidades profesionales.

Mantente conectado

Recibe alertas de trabajo, las últimas noticias y consejos de expertos adaptados a tus preferencias. Descubre qué oportunidades profesionales tenemos para ti.