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What is the future of work?

The CHRO as a growth executive

Focusing the power of data, tech and people to accelerate reinvention—and a new vision for growth.

Explore our latest insights


Talent & Organization

Care to do better

Building trust will enhance employee potential and leave your people and your business Net Better Off.


Talent & Organization

Modern cloud champions

Enterprises yield better results when they continuously invest in people and use cloud strategy to power business growth.


Talent & Organization

Honing your digital edge

Digital transformation has been a priority for companies in recent years, but now it is an imperative for survival.


Talent & Organization

From always connected to omni-connected

Creating value for people and business through omni-connected experiences.


The hybrid workplace model

How can clients reinvent the employee experience?

What are industry-specific solutions for future work?

Future of work

An educational series focused on the State of California and the future of work.

Three people looking at 3d object by using tablet and AR glasses.
Talent & Organization

Future of work research

Is work evolving in ways that energize people? Accenture research shows that people want to be supported at work and benefit from hybrid work.

Virtual workplace: The metaverse

Tech trends 2022: Meet me in the metaverse

The continuum of technology and experience reshaping business.

Innovate entirely new ways of working

Built for change: Reimagining the future of work

Rethinking how, when and where work happens

Twenty-six percent of CEOs are ready to transform the work experience and manage people and their organizations in new ways.

Case studies

Embracing the future of work and omni-connected experience

Helping people connect, contribute and know they belong.

How Accenture Does IT

Empowering digital workers

How Accenture provides the right experiences, tools and environment to work in a modern way.

Future skills pilot

Walmart, Unilever, SkyHive and World Economic Forum launches a pilot program to create more sustainable opportunities for people.

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