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Corporate Citizenship in ANZ

Building a future of shared success 

Accenture in ANZ

To our clients and ecosystem partners

Social impact

Driving positive societal change

Volunteering & giving

Making a meaningful difference

Inclusive workplace

Creating a barrier-free workplace

Our global impact

Making a positive difference every day for our communities
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Equality week

As equals, anything is possible

Innovating for social impact

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Work at the heart of change

Engaging our people

Encouraging small changes to impact sustainability

The ANZ Sustainability Squad brings together enthusiasts and practitioners from across the business to connect, learn and act on sustainability issues.

Earth Hour and World Environment Day

We contribute to scientific research via Zooniverse and the WWF Australia Solar Light Challenge to help communities living in energy poverty.

Girls in STEM and Hour of Code

Our people mentor students, introducing them to coding through fun, hands-on computer projects—inspiring an early interest in technology.

Volunteering and giving

Rapid response to the Australian bushfires

We offered unlimited emergency services leave, built a community of over 200 volunteers and raised $180,000 to respond and help to rebuild Australia.

Helping communities survive the pandemic

We have donated equipment, time and funds to partners to help navigate uncertainty, pivot to digital, upskill, feed those in need and keep people employed.

Our impact

>100 charities supported

through our people volunteering

>35 cash grants and pro-bono projects

were delivered to registered charities throughout ANZ

50% volunteering participation

contributing 15,444 hours to the community

71% increase in participation

in pro-bono projects compared to FY19

+$2m AUD annually

in probono projects, cash grants and volunteering

Cultivating a culture of responsible buying

Focusing on the environment

Champions of change in action

Why I’m on the frontline this bushfire season

When he was 4, Andrew wanted to be a firefighter, but life got in the way.Thanks to his Accenture mentor, he has realised his childhood dream—as a volunteer firefighter for Fire and Rescue NSW.

Money management app changes lives in Cambodia

Steve embarked on a once-in-a-lifetime career journey when he went to Cambodia to develop a money management app for micro-business owners without bank accounts, most of whom were women.

How "Girls in STEM" took root in ANZ

Girls in STEM aims to inspire, educate and empower girls to take on science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) subjects and careers. At our events, girls get to meet role models working in STEM.

Making sandwiches for hungry school kids

Josi Fox and Tori Cave are the driving force behind Accenture’s partnership with Eat Up, feeding hungry school kids in disadvantaged schools. They have made a huge impact by consulting for a cause.

Why breaking the poverty cycle is key to diversity

Accenture’s graduate recruitment lead, Nic, works with The Smith Family—opening up employment opportunities for disadvantaged youth who might otherwise struggle to break into the corporate world.

Mentoring people with a disability through PACE

Clara became a PACE Mentor because she wanted a volunteering opportunity that fit with full-time work. The program connects jobseekers with disability to mentors to improve workforce inclusion.

Accelerating equality for all

More about corporate citizenship

United Nations Global Compact: Communication on Progress 2020
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