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What’s really driving retail purchasing today?

June 27, 2022 5-MINUTE READ

How retail consumers are thinking, spending and living

Three retail industry trends

The anxiety pivot

Economic worries have eclipsed health concerns. Learn more.

The spending shuffle

Spending patterns have shifted dramatically. Learn more.

The virtual reality check

Physical and virtual worlds are blurring and blending. Learn more.

Trend 1—The anxiety pivot


Of global consumers are concerned about their personal health.


Of global consumers worry about their country’s economy.

Trend 2—The spending shuffle


High-income consumers plan to increase spend on ‘health and fitness’ by 41%.


Low-income consumers plan to increase spend on ‘health and fitness’ by 21%.

Man wearing apron in a flower shop

Trend 3—The virtual reality check


Of consumers have bought clothing or accessories for an avatar or for themselves.


Of consumers have had a consultation in a virtual or augmented reality environment on topics from health and wellness to DIY projects.

No crystal ball? Stay close to retail consumers

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