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Reinventing Human Resources

November 7, 2019


In brief

Finding flexibility

Embrace digital

Partner proactively

Manage data

The power of choice


Reduction in project time by improving data conversion and migration


Savings a year from improved regression testing and reduce testing times

Consistency and quality

"We can now collect representative random samples and conduct tests in a way that enables several colleagues to process errors simultaneously, which saves us a great deal of time."

— MICHAELA KARAKOC, Corporate Applications, E.ON IT GmbH

Three ways to manage the workforce of the future

1. Embrace digital

Enable new approaches to delivering HR services, drive the democratization of talent management and act more like a marketing organization.

2. Partner proactively

Improve the partner ecosystem to increase resources, enhance scalability and productivity, and deliver new products and services faster.

3. Manage data

Maintain data quality at all times and seek out solutions to complete efficient data conversion and accurate testing.

Heiko Mouhlen

Global Lead Sales – APP for HR, Talent and Skilling, Accenture Products and Platforms

I help clients embark on their digital transformation journey and spread our vision of the new HR.​

Related capabilities

Accenture Document Composer

Simplifies and facilitates the creation, distribution, retrieval and retention of employee-related communications.

Accenture HR Audit and Compliance as-a-service

Helps HR professionals to maintain HR data at a consistently high quality in the cloud.

Accenture Clone and Test for Cloud

Generate test data across multiple environments.

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