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Popis Pracovnej Pozície

As a group of practitioners, we work very closely with our clients committed to support them in making data-driven decisions that propel their business forward. We focus on developing and delivering leading solutions whilst utilizing our strong connections with the wider European practices and global communities across Accenture. As we continue to grow, we are seeking talented and enthusiastic analysts to join our Strategy & Consulting team and contribute to our mission.

Are you a forward-thinking, analytical, and tech-savvy person who is passionate about strategy and consulting? If so, we invite you to apply for our Business Analyst position. This position is designed for people who are eager to gain hands-on experience in the world of business consulting and accelerate career growth gaining experience across Europe. You will work closely with our professionals, helping clients solve complex business challenges, identify growth opportunities, and optimize their technology utilization.


Advise big, renowned companies what they can do better to achieve higher performance.

Work in different industries to help our clients with their strategies and organizational changes.

Analyze of business processes and designing solutions in areas such as customer relationship management, supply chain management or finance.

 Focus on Systems Integration Consulting, which connects and aligns company’s processes with information technologies and software applications.

 Work in different industries to help our clients with their strategies and organizational changes.

Please apply directly for the role on our career portal and if you experience any issues please send us your CV to or feel free to ask any question related to job positions & career opportunities in Accenture. 



• Bachelor University degree preferably in Economic or Technology area

Up to 3 years of experience in Consulting or relevant industry - position is suitable also for fresh graduates.

Advanced English language (B2+) and fluent Slovak language (C1+).

Ability to think out of the box and offer unique perspective to the client.

Excellent verbal and written communication skills. Ability to convey technical concepts to non-technical stakeholders in a clear and concise manner.

Desire to work in an environment of creative projects focused on solving the business requirements of the client.

Independence and reliability.

Previous experience with SAP is an advantage.


Accenture offers a competitive compensation package. As required by the Slovak law we hereby state, that the legal monthly minimum gross base pay starting from 1 840 € depending on your professional and personal qualifications in the required areas.

• Guaranteed paid overtime or overtime vacation
• Flexible Benefit System - budget to be spent on services of your choice
• Competitive bonus structure
• Refer-a-Friend – get a bonus in the employee referral program
• Loyalty rewards
• Flexible working arrangements (time & place of work)
• Wide range of trainings and expert lectures
• Regular performance review and career growth possibilities
• Ongoing career guidance and mentoring (Global Mentoring Program, Lean In)
• Employee share purchase plan
Family & Health:
• 3 extra days off
• Sick leave salary compensation (up to 100%)
• Home-office equipment
• Family oriented benefits (Wedding, Parental and Baby days-off and bonuses)
• Employee assistance services (professional psychological, financial and legal help)
• Multisport card

Život v Accenture

Pracovné prostredie

Podávaj čo najlepšie pracovné výkony v prostredí, ktoré podnecuje inovácie vo všetkom čo robíš.

Vzdelávanie a rozvoj

Nájdi si čas na svoj rozvoj a vzdelávaj sa po celý čas v Accenture, či už v našich regionálnych vzdelávacích centrách, digitálnych učebniach, on-line kurzoch, či vzdelávacích paneloch.

Spoznaj Accenture

Three people smiling while looking at a computer

Naša odbornosť

Zisti, ako využívame silu zmeny na vytváranie hodnôt a spoločných úspechov pre našich klientov, ľudí, akcionárov, partnerov a komunitu.
Close Up Photo of a Man Holding a Camera

Spoznaj našich ľudí

Od nováčikov až po vrcholový manažment a naprieč všetkými obchodnými a priemyselnými segmentami – zoznám sa s našimi ľuďmi, ktorí využívajú technológie meniace svet každý deň.

Ostaň s nami v kontakte

Pridaj sa k nášmu tímu

Vyhľadaj si voľné pracovné pozície podľa svojich zručností, či záujmov. Hľadáme zanietených, zvedavých a kreatívnych tímových hráčov, ktorí sa neboja prinášať nové riešenia.

Vždy o krok vpred

Buď vždy o krok vpred a získaj užitočné tipy a informácie pre rozvoj tvojej kariéry, priamo od špičkových odborníkov z tvojho odvetvia.

Buď s nami v kontakte

Dostávaj upozornenia na nové pracovné príležitosti, novinky a tipy prispôsobené tvojim preferenciám. Zisti, aké zaujímavé príležitosti na teba u nás čakajú.