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It’s official. I’m starting my career at Accenture!

May 24, 2022

Woman's photo with accenture sign
Woman's photo with accenture sign

Hello! I’m Chuan Hwei. I majored in Public Policy and Global Affairs in Nanyang Technological University and have always been passionate about technology and businesses. Back in my University days, I took up technology-related modules as I wanted to learn how technology can improve our daily lives. I knew that I wanted to work in an organization where I can make a difference to my clients by delivering smoother and more efficient processes with the latest technologies. Applying for an internship with Accenture thus came naturally to me, as it is a leading company in technology and business consulting.

A culture that aligns to my values
Working as an intern in Strategy and Consulting at Accenture felt very fulfilling. I was working on a government transformation programme for the Health and Public Service, and it dawned upon me that I was making a difference in meaningful ways. That made me realise that the culture, nature of work and values at Accenture resonated with me deeply.
Thus, when I was given the option to extend my internship as a part-time intern at Accenture, I seized the opportunity right away! Now, I can’t wait to start my full-time role as an analyst at Accenture at the end of this year!

A day in my intern work-life
My day typically kicks off with a team sync-up call where we share our priorities and work plans for the day. At the end of the day, we share the progress of our tasks with the team. In my role, I develop training materials, assist in client trainings and support change management activities to ensure smooth project rollouts to clients. I am also responsible for minutes writing for client meetings. While minutes writing may sound trivial to some, I’ve come to realise the importance of documenting meetings concisely as it has helped me to better understand the scale of the project and its requirements.

Of work, people and culture
The past year was a combination of working from home and from the office. Working in the office sometimes felt like being in a food haven with plenty of snacks and coffee! When work-from-home measures kicked in, our team transited to working virtually. Despite the lack of physical connection, our team bonded over lunch calls, engaged in casual chats and sometimes even played online games together.

My team celebrated my birthday with cakes from a home bakery that I have always wanted to try! Glad to be able to celebrate with the team before the heightened measures kicked in.

I work with a team of young and vibrant peers who not only work hard, but know when to relax as well. I am grateful for colleagues and a supervisor who are invested in our growth and progress. I also appreciate that Accenture has an open and inclusive culture, especially that it supports gender equality. As a young female professional starting a full-time career, it is reassuring to me that I have equal access to opportunities to grow professionally.

          Group photo with a cake
          Group photo with a cake

          My team celebrated my birthday with cakes from a home bakery that I have always wanted to try! Glad to be able to celebrate with the team before the heightened measures kicked in. (Photo taken: 30 April 2021)

          I work with a team of young and vibrant peers   I am grateful for colleagues and a supervisor who are invested in our growth and progress. I also appreciate that Accenture has an open and inclusive culture, especially that it supports gender equality. As a young female professional starting a full-time career, it is reassuring to me that I have equal access to opportunities to grow professionally.

          Chuan hwei photos
          Chuan hwei photos

          Here I am with my colleagues from the Finance Training Team that I worked most closely with. (Photo taken: 16 April 2021)

          Takeaways from my internship experience

          My internship experience here has given me a head start into an exciting vocation. These are the two key takeaways which I will take with me as I progress in my career journey. 

          • Communication
            When work becomes mostly virtual, clear communication becomes a crucial skill to have to get things done. I’ve learnt to think critically about my tasks, clarify doubts and make a list of completed items to ensure that outcomes are delivered. Whenever I need clarifications, I’ll hop on a call to get help from supportive colleagues.
          • Taking ownership
            To me, taking ownership of my own internship means that I get to determine my own growth in developing my skill sets. Taking ownership isn’t just about being responsible for my daily tasks, it also requires an initiative to request for tasks that are beyond my job scope so that I can gain exposure to a variety of experiences.

          If you’re someone who thrives in a fast-paced, innovative and exciting environment, Accenture is the place for you! For those who are considering an internship with Accenture – do not be afraid to apply even if you are from an unrelated background to technology, or consulting, there are plenty of opportunities here for you to learn and explore!


          Your career is about what you want to do and who you want to be. Jumpstart your journey with us today!


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          Copyright © 2022 Accenture. All rights reserved. Accenture and its logo are registered trademarks.


          WRITTEN BY

          Chuan Hwei

          Consulting Development Analyst