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Care@Home — A New MedTech Mindset

junho 28, 2022 5-minutos de leitura


In brief

Healthcare is trending—toward at-home care


of patients were getting treatment at home


of healthcare providers thought patients would be more interested in home-administration of treatment

The challenges of at-home care

Devices that enable at-home care can make treatment considerably more convenient and comfortable.

How to see at-home care success

Embrace a new mindset

Rethink MedTech solutions. It’s not enough to repurpose current products.

Put patients at the center of design

Build solutions around physical, cognitive, emotional and aspirational needs.

Incorporate connectivity

Enable real-time monitoring of patients through connected capabilities.

Plan for just-in-time

Provide patients with the devices and supplies they need when they need them.

Thomas Burchard

Director – Life Sciences, MedTech, Product X.0

Dr. Stefan Kalla

Managing Director – Consulting, Life Sciences, MedTech R&D

He is the global lead for medical devices R&D with more than 20 years of experience in this area, ranging from academia, industry to consulting.    

Alyssa Brill

Consultant – Strategy & Consulting, Life Sciences


Related capabilities

MedTech consulting

Working with Medical Technology companies to develop solutions across the patient’s entire healthcare journey.

Life Sciences

Helping our clients make a meaningful impact on patients’ lives through New Science, novel medical technologies and better collaboration.

Health consulting

Improving access, experience and outcomes with tech + human ingenuity.