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The Future Ready CPG: Powered by humans

Success in this new world calls for a new breed of data-fuelled, human-led business, able to effortlessly reimagine growth, and endlessly re-engineer themselves to capitalize on it. We call these Future Ready Businesses.

A new dawn for the CPG industry

At the heart of this change is the human being


of people plan to shop more health-consciously. (*)


of people have purchased a physical good in a virtual world. (*)


Sustainable brands are growing 7.1x faster than conventional products. (*)

CPGs need to embrace 360° value

The path forward for Future Ready CPGs

Embrace the 5 principles of a Future Ready CPG

Set a course for steady, long-term growth

Meet the team

Oliver Wright

Senior Managing Director – Consumer Goods & Services, Global Lead

Karen Fang Grant

Managing Director – Industry Networks & Programs, Global Research Lead

Samuel Holmes

Managing Director – Consumer Goods & Services, Operating Model & Organisation Design, Global Lead

Guerric de Ternay

Management Consulting Principal – Software & Platforms, EMEAan Innovation Lead