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Legal Counsel Manager

multiple locations +view all Job No. r00191773 Full-time

Job Description

Job Description:

As Manager, Data Privacy, you have an important role in maintaining and enhancing Accenture’s global Data Privacy program, reporting to and in close cooperation with a Senior Manager, Data Privacy. The program ensures Accenture meets contractual obligations, legal and regulatory requirements as well as voluntary commitments made in the field of data privacy, with a strong focus on bringing Accenture’s values and culture to life.

This role works in close alignment with our other compliance programs, and other Legal teams as well as relevant Corporate Functions and business teams. It is a full-time role that will be filled by an experienced professional able to demonstrate expertise and experience in the areas of privacy, digital, technology, governance and compliance.

Closely working with other Data Privacy staff, your key responsibilities will be to

  • Review Accenture internal as well as client facing projects to ensure compliance with law, regulations and voluntary commitments, and provide required guidance to other teams;
  • Draft and maintain Accenture standards and controls reflecting legal, regulatory and policy requirements as well as best practices;
  • Design, develop and deliver training and guidance on privacy aspects globally and with regard to specific jurisdictions;
  • Support client facing work such as client assessments and contracts;
  • Provide advice to ensure data privacy issues are considered at the outset of new services, offerings, projects, products and initiatives;
  • Keep abreast of technology trends and developments and their impact, and develop and deliver guidance and training for internal audiences;
  • Build and maintain strong and trusted relationships with internal stakeholders, in particular with legal, risk, information security and business teams.

Knowledge, Skills, and Experience:

  • Demonstrated command of data privacy and related policy, laws and regulations;
  • Has worked supporting a data privacy compliance program, ideally at multinational organization;
  • Proven ability to operationalize and implement strategy and policies;
  • Demonstrated ability to identify, understand and assess trends and developments in data privacy, and to explain issues in a practical, results-focused manner, including complex cross-border transfer issues;
  • Ability to synthesize complex analysis into clear and consistent recommendations;
  • Ability to prioritize and make decisions, and possess a high level of common sense, including the ability to see around the corner and spot risks before they materialize;
  • Strong verbal, written and interpersonal skills with the ability to interface, and develop relationships, with all levels of management and staff, and work cross-culturally.



  • Law Degree
  • Relevant certifications (such as in data privacy, data governance, Information Security) considered a plus.

Work Experience: 

  • Minimum 5-7 years of experience in a (ideally global) data privacy function;
  • Knowledge of data governance, data management principles, strategies and frameworks;
  • Knowledge of and experience in monitoring legal and regulatory trends and developments and translating those into actionable requirements;
  • Strong project management and organizational skills.
  • At least 5 years leadership experience


Cebu City, Mandaluyong City

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