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Data Science_ATCP_PHL

multiple locations +view all Job No. r00155863 Full-time

Job Description

  • Design, build and configure applications to meet business process and application requirements.
  • Perform the detailed design of application and technology architecture components and classes.
  • Configure build and test the application or technology architecture components and classes.
  • Work with other developers designers and architects to make sure that the configuration and custom components meet application requirements and performance goals.


  • Create automated unit test scripts and use them as part of a continuous integration development process.
  • Perform code profiling by using appropriate tools to confirm coding compliance with application development standards.
  • Check code coverage of unit and assembly tests and ensure it meets expectations.
  • Document the code during development to ensure maintainability. Document changes to the code for traceability and update the traceability matrix or other requirements tracking tool.
  • Inform the technology architect and project manager of any issues that may affect any other areas of the project.


Mandaluyong City, Quezon City

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