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Accenture Summer Internship

Curious about life as a consultant at Accenture? Join our 6-week summer internship program!

Summer internship

Join us in shaping the future

UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.

Most of the projects are selected by closely linking them to one or several of UN’s Sustainability Goals.

You add real value for our clients.

You will work in a team focused on solving real issues for our clients.

Opportunity to gain a permanent position after you graduate.

Most interns also sign up for the graduate program the following year.

Internship highlights

Kick-off and Training

The first week consists of onboarding with the other students. You will be provided with necessary training to start working on your project. During the second week you will do a mid-evaluation with your project supervisor.

Evaluation and final project presentations

During the next weeks you will have an alignment conversation with a member of your project group. This is to ensure a mutual match. The internship is wrapped up with final presentations of all projects and a farewell dinner.


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