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Bringing satellite data down to earth

Outer space is full of untapped insights. e-GEOS is partnering with us to unlock the secrets of space data to help solve some of the world’s biggest challenges.


Since the first person looked up, people have been fascinated by outer space. The final frontier is full of mystery and promise. Today, e-GEOS is removing some of the mystery and giving people access to vast amounts of information.

Each day, satellites send down a staggering amount of data. e-GEOS, a Telespazio/Italian Space Agency (ASI) company and a pioneer in the new space economy, is partnering with us to turn all those terabytes into useful insights.

While governments have been using geoinformation for surveillance and infrastructure planning, private sector demand for complex satellite data is growing at an exponential rate, driven by industries including agriculture, utilities, insurance and finance. When fused with other data sources including socio-demographics and internet of things, it’s tremendously valuable. It also can play a crucial role in helping companies meet their sustainability goals, particularly around land management and natural resources.

Together, we created a cutting-edge solution to process and analyze satellite data and turn e-GEOS into a multi-dimensional data provider while expanding its customer base.

Geo-information and its data help people gather insights from light, heat, ultraviolet, sonar or radar sources using equipment in space, in the air, on or under the ground or in the sea.

Space to learn

e-GEOS teamed up with Accenture to design and deploy its own scalable satellite data and information cloud platform to help turn valuable data into insights.

The solution—CLEOS (Cloud Earth Observation Services)—is a revolutionary, AI-powered product that makes geo-information data accessible through a simple user interface. CLEOS puts the customer at the core, streamlining the management and processing of satellite data and distilling it into relevant, actionable reports.

Users can set up automatic image extraction and real-time analysis, which can have positive, significant implications for emergency and natural disaster management.

Earth observation also plays a key role in Industry of the Future innovations, enabling new intelligent operations across multiple sectors including energy and manufacturing.

Together, we simultaneously implemented multiple technology solutions, including Max-ICS—an analytics platform developed by EarthLab Luxembourg, an e-GEOS company, which serves as a smart enabler for centralizing data.

The velocity of innovation

e-GEOS is a global leader in the geo-information market and now covers the entire value chain, from data acquisition and analysis to self-service, scalable tools and AI-powered applications.

CLEOS manages more than 45 million discreet items and has an online platform to share the value of global satellite coverage, access to over a decade of historical satellite data, and more than 10 commercial and open satellite missions.

e-GEOS now has the solution it envisioned, as the dynamic company continues to reach for the stars…and beyond. Together, Accenture and e-GEOS are bringing new geological data and insights to people working to answer the world’s biggest questions about our planet.


Marco Addino

Managing Director – Aerospace & Defense and High Tech, Europe

Giancarlo Paccapeli

Director – Industry X, Europe

Roberta Rocca

Senior Manager – Strategy, Europe