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Scaling sustainability solutions in fashion

The 2024 playbook reimagines sustainability integration across the fashion value chain


May 6, 2024

In brief

  • Sustainability is now evolving beyond impact measurement and disclosure into a core business imperative across the entire fashion value chain.

  • Functional teams, such as finance, design, sourcing and supply chain, play a vital role in achieving corporate KPIs while embedding sustainability.
  • The 2024 playbook helps understand sustainability challenges, identify key initiatives, and embed sustainability initiatives into operations.

Sustainability across the fashion value chain: a paradigm shift

Our 2024 Scaling Sustainability Solutions in Fashion playbook flips the sustainability narrative on its head. Instead of focusing solely on traditional environmental, social and governance (ESG) impacts, retail leaders will reshape the industry by embedding sustainability throughout enterprise functions. Breaking down silos and integrating business operations with sustainability can lead to significant progress. This approach catalyzes business profitability, social responsibility, and environmental resilience.

This year’s playbook looks at nine nodes across the fashion value chain, from financial and business planning all the way through to marketing and communications, to help functional teams understand sustainability challenges and profitability.

Fashion holds immense global power. Regardless of one’s position within the business, there is a remarkable opportunity – and responsibility – to drive positive change. The question is, what to do differently? The possibilities are endless.

Sustainability must be a priority across all aspects of every organization. It isn’t the sole responsibility of the ‘ESG department’ or sustainability teams.

James Fallon / Editorial Director, Women’s Wear Daily

Reimagining nine nodes for ecosystem transformation

The 2024 playbook is designed to help fashion leaders across the boardroom embed sustainability at the core of their operations and make a meaningful impact on both business and sustainability goals.

The 2024 playbook is designed to help fashion leaders across the boardroom embed sustainability at the core of their operations and make a meaningful impact on both business and sustainability goals.
The 2024 playbook is designed to help fashion leaders across the boardroom embed sustainability at the core of their operations and make a meaningful impact on both business and sustainability goals.

The new business as usual playbook

For each of these nine value chain nodes, our playbook outlines the opportunity, two big ideas to drive impact, and starter prompts to guide actionable next steps in your journey.

Control zones & impact

Insights into the functional levers for action, KPIs, and corresponding areas of impact across the business.

Thought starters

Inspiration on how partnering across functions and sustainability can drive progress in business KPIs and sustainability impact.

Sustainability queries

Starter prompts to explore more innovative and disruptive opportunities, related organizations, and regulatory considerations.

Hear about the playbook in action

Cara Smyth, Accenture Retail Sustainability Lead, discusses the impact of scaling sustainability solutions in fashion.

The Women’s Wear Daily (WWD) Sustainability Summit 2024 launched Accenture’s playbook on Scaling Sustainability Solutions in Fashion, offering a new roadmap for integrating sustainability across fashion’s value chain.

Watch this video clip to hear how merging sustainability with core business strategies enhances both environmental goals and financial performance.


Cara Smyth

Senior Managing Director – ESG Retail

Frank Zambrelli

Managing Director – ESG Retail