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Building future leaders, one cookie at a time

Girl Scouts teaches modern entrepreneurial skills by digitizing the Girl Scout cookie program.


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People and culture

Deborah Snyder

It was my first experience in a girl-led organization, following in the footsteps of older girls.

Angie Burke

Selling Girl Scout Cookies showed me the path to success is sweeter with teamwork.

Robin Dicker

Selling cookies forced me out of my comfort zone and taught me motivation and hard work.

Kate O’Hara

Learning how to team with others and work through challenges as a Girl Scout was invaluable and helped me become the person I am today!

Amber Hussein

Girl Scouts was always about empowerment and giving back. I gained the confidence to try new things.

Allison Fisher

Girl Scouts helped me learn how to lead with purpose. From Daisy to Senior Scout, so many unique experiences shaped my identity and career.

Elizabeth Moreno

My time as a Girl Scout taught me that being prepared and doing my best would serve me well. Those two phrases continue to help me today.

Lisa Ehrengren

As a shy child growing up, Girl Scouts provided me a safe environment to take on challenges, learn new skills and build my confidence.

Value delivered

About 200,000 girls are now learning valuable, real-life lessons about online marketing, app usage, digital commerce, social networking, leadership and financial literacy on the Digital Cookie® platform.

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