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The empowered traveler


July 25, 2024

Generative AI is revolutionizing the travel experience

I have often felt that planning a trip is a laborious task of navigating a labyrinth of overwhelming choices. From the moment the travel bug bites me, I get bombarded with a cacophony of information and advertising from competing travel brands, each vying for my attention and promising the best deals and experiences.

This information overload can lead to decision fatigue, confusion and ultimately, abandoned travel plans. As someone very close to the travel industry and a travel enthusiast myself, I've experienced this firsthand and it's disheartening to see how this affects not only the traveler's experience, but also the industry.

Travel companies could be losing both customers and revenue due to ‘information overload’ – with consumers facing a barrage of competing claims, messages, advertising, choices, recommendations, algorithms, and apps and feeling overwhelmed by the time and effort it takes to make a purchasing decision as a result. 

Fortunately, there's a beacon of hope emerging on the horizon. Accenture’s Consumer Pulse 2024 research, titled ‘The Empowered Consumer’ surveyed 19,000 consumers across 12 countries and found that there is an urgent need for brands to tap into the transformative power of generative AI (gen AI) to reduce the “noise” around decision-making and increase engagement, loyalty and sales.  This cutting-edge technology has the potential to revolutionize the travel experience, simplifying, accelerating and enriching every step of the journey.

Deciphering the clutter: The need for intelligent travel advisors

Imagine standing at a bustling intersection, surrounded by billboards, traffic, and people (read influencers), all clamoring for your attention. This is akin to the overwhelming experience travelers face when planning a trip. They're bombarded with multitude of choices, conflicting claims and information from various sources, making it challenging to decipher what's truly relevant and valuable. This information overload often leads to decision paralysis, with travelers abandoning their purchase intentions altogether.

Our research shows that 73% of consumers report feeling inundated by too much choice. 75% say they feel like they are being bombarded by advertising. 74% have abandoned purchases in the last three months of 2023 as a result. 71% of consumers said they are confused by the different terminology or metrics used by brands. Despite focus on customer-centricity and personalized experiences over the past few years, most (71%) see no improvement in the time and effort required to make a purchase decision – and in some cases, there’s been an increase in the time and effort required to do so.    

Our research confirms that majority of travelers (75%) wish that they could make the right travel decision more quickly, easily, and confidently - highlighting the urgent need for an intelligent way to navigate the travel landscape.

The generative AI advantage: Empowering travelers

Gen AI offers a game-changing solution to the challenges of information overload. By harnessing the power of advanced algorithms and machine learning, gen AI can simplify decision-making by providing personalized recommendations and expertise tailored to each traveler's unique preferences and needs.

And the travelers are ready! They are willing to adopt gen AI based solutions across their inspiration, planning and travel booking phases! Here is what the research shows: 87% of the surveyed travelers want gen AI advisors to give specific recommendations that they can rely on every time, while 82% want the advisors to surprise them with new suggestions they wouldn’t have otherwise found / considered.  88% want gen AI agents to provide a range of options from multiple brands. 79% wish that gen AI advisors could manage tasks on their behalf (for example, negotiating, purchasing, resolving queries or complaints).  Over 87% of the travelers feel that gen AI agents should be available wherever, whenever they need it (for example in store, online, or on an app).

Gen AI has the potential to simplify, accelerate and enrich the travel booking experience.  It can cut through the noise of information overload, offering tailored guidance and even taking action on behalf of travelers to book flights, reserve accommodations, and plan itineraries.

For travel businesses, it can act as a creative partner for marketers across design, research, and content creation, providing more targeted and intuitive marketing so that consumers can spend more time enjoying the experience.

One of the key advantages of gen AI is its ability to understand the intent and context behind a traveler's search. This is achieved through semantic search, which moves beyond traditional keyword matching to focus on the deeper meaning and purpose of a search query. By understanding the traveler's true intent, gen AI can deliver more relevant and personalized results, enhancing the overall travel planning experience.

A deeper understanding of traveler needs

As adoption of gen AI technology grows, it is important for travel companies to consider their competitive differentiators, as experiences could start to blend across brands. To provide truly personalized experiences, they need a profound understanding of their customers. Gen AI enables this understanding by analyzing vast amounts of data, including explicit preferences, implicit behaviors, and even personality traits. This comprehensive data analysis allows travel brands to create uniquely personal experiences that resonate with each traveler.

Whether it's through conversational interfaces, data exchanges, or consumer profiling enriched by synthetic data, gen AI empowers travel brands to understand their customers not just as consumers, but as individuals with unique personalities, motivations, and desires.

A human-centered approach: Making travel planning enjoyable

While Gen AI offers powerful capabilities, it's essential for travel brands to adopt a human-centered approach that focuses on the traveler's experience. The goal is to make the process of making travel decisions enjoyable and engaging.

I believe that by infusing creativity and fun into interactions with AI tools, travel brands can alleviate the burden of information overload while differentiating from competitors. By striking the right balance between technology and human touch, travel brands can create a seamless and enjoyable travel planning experience.

Reinventing the traveler's journey: Discovery, conversion, and loyalty

The transformative power of Gen AI extends across the entire traveler's journey, from the initial discovery phase to building lasting loyalty. Travel companies that embrace Gen AI are making fundamental shifts in three key areas:

Gen AI helps travel brands offer personalized, reliable advice, ensuring travelers have the facts and insights they need to make informed decisions and navigate options safely, with a focus on data protection and transparency.

Gen AI helps create personalized experiences that resonate with travelers by understanding their journeys, preferences, and motivations. This shift from generic transactions to personalized experiences fosters a deeper connection with travelers.

Gen AI shifts travel brands’ messaging from brand-centric to human-centered, fostering deeper connections and better understanding of travelers as individuals, thus building trust, enduring loyalty, and becoming integral to the traveler’s journey.

Building trust and transparency: The foundation of long-term loyalty

In the age of data privacy concerns, building trust and transparency is paramount for travel brands. Gen AI presents an opportunity to address these concerns by providing travelers with a deeper level of understanding and control over their personal data. By ensuring that personal information is secure and used responsibly, travel brands can earn the trust of travelers and foster long-term loyalty. Additionally, providing clear and reliable information about products, guarantees, and return policies further enhances trust and transparency, empowering travelers to make informed decisions.

Data-powered and delightfully human: The key to success

The opportunity for travel brands lies in embracing a bold reinvention across the value chain. The fundamental enabler of this transformation is being data-powered and delightfully human. By leveraging robust data foundations and adopting a human-centric approach, travel brands can harness the full potential of gen AI to deliver personalized, streamlined, and customer-centric experiences. This strategic shift will not only differentiate travel brands in a competitive market but also drive business growth and foster long-term loyalty among travelers.

The travel industry is on the cusp of a transformative era, where gen AI empowers travelers to make more informed decisions, travel brands to deliver exceptional experiences, and the entire travel ecosystem to thrive. By embracing this technology and its potential, we can revolutionize the way we plan, book, and experience travel, ushering in a new era of personalized and empowered travel.


Emily Weiss

Senior Managing Director – Global Industry Sector Lead Travel