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Building Sustainable Futures podcast

Do corporations need to choose between success or sustainability? As sustainability climbs the global agenda, Accenture assembles experts, influencers, and innovators to help leaders and board members keep abreast of the hot topics. Listen for sensible advice – and sometimes surprising solutions – that can help businesses make a positive difference.

Episode 4 Professor Hannah Fry on the power of ingenuity

Strap in for a whistle-stop tour of the science and technology ideas which will build our sustainable futures. Our wide-ranging interview covers AI, exponential curves, Goddard’s Law, and protein folding. For all this innovation, Hannah explains, it’s human ingenuity which will ultimately help us prevail in the transition to a more sustainable world.

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    Hannah Fry

    Mathematician and broadcaster

    Hannah is lecturer in the mathematics of cities at University College, London, and an award-winning science communicator. Her expertise is regularly called upon to develop and host documentaries and her fun and lively radio programmes and podcasts have a large and devoted following. Her ability to engage and enthuse people with even the most complicated topics is equally evident on the page and her books delight readers around the globe.

Covered in this episode

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    Uniting technology and sustainability

    Research by Accenture reveals that companies with most comprehensive sustainable tech strategies perform better across the board.


More in this series