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A new retail business on express delivery

Accenture helped Salling Group introduce a grocery delivery service that puts customer experience at the core.

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A new retail business on express delivery

Call for change

When pandemic restrictions hit Denmark, the nation’s oldest grocery retailer, Salling Group, was compelled to launch a digitally enabled home delivery model, maximizing convenience for customers who could no longer frequent its physical Føtex stores. What did that entail? New buildings, a massive recruitment drive, a new fleet of refrigerated vehicles, and a website and app built on Salling Group's existing technology stack.

And to meet urgent needs, the company massively condensed the project’s timeline, becoming a lifeline to millions of families and ushering in a new age of digital growth.

A laptop with food options and a man doing a delivery
A laptop with food options and a man doing a delivery

When tech meets human ingenuity

Salling Group introduced a delivery service for its Føtex brand in Copenhagen, at the pace of pandemic-inspired change. Accenture helped with UX design, journey mapping, and a front-end build for digital touchpoints to create a “minimal lovable product” that would recreate the comforts of the in-person grocery shopping experience, coupled with unparalleled convenience.

The website and app went beyond basics to offer user-friendly shopping lists and a recipe curation option capable of suggesting ingredient swaps for carbon offset. Accenture’s experts were involved in the end-to-end delivery of the service, guiding a sound operational approach focused on customer experience.

Three phones with some food options
Three phones with some food options

A valuable difference

Salling Group debuted its new business in just 10 months, and pandemic-era customers eagerly embraced the new service. Throughout the build, the Accenture team focused on a design and front-end experience that would delight and satisfy customers, drawing on extensive experience with global food brands and technology.

Salling Group’s customer-centric digital shopping experience now brings everything shoppers love about Føtex straight to the front porch.