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Human + Machine (#HplusM)

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AI is radically transforming business. Are you ready?

How new technology is transforming business and shaping our future

IDEAS for a Radically Human future

Management playbook for success in age of AI

Human + Machine collaboration

Unleash the collaborative potential

All book proceeds donated to non-profits

What leaders are saying

Human + Machine shines new light on our burning need to reinvent nearly everything about the way we work. Daugherty and Wilson have hands-on experience leading these changes, giving this book an exceptional level of credibility and insight. Have your whole team read it before your competitors do!”

Erik Brynjolfsson
Director, MIT Initiative on the Digital Economy

“Daugherty and Wilson give a blueprint for a future in which AI augments our humanity... the book is a practical guide to understanding AI—what it means in our lives and how we can make the most of it.”

Arianna Huffington
Founder and CEO, Thrive Global

Human + Machine stands out as the missing manual that leaders need for AI-driven innovation in today’s winner-take-all world.”

R “Ray” Wang
Principal Analyst, Founder, and Chairman, Constellation Research

“Daugherty and Wilson answer the fundamental question, how do we help our workforce transition into the age of AI? Without question, Human + Machine is the handbook you need to move forward.”

Henning Kagermann
President, acatech; Former Chairman and CEO, SAP

Human + Machine is a well-written and well-researched book that addresses the missing middle of AI: how humans and machines can collaborate so as to augment—not replace—human skills. From the manufacturing floor to the back office to the individual, Paul and James offer wonderfully approachable and actionable insight into the changing nature of work.”

Grady Booch
Chief Scientist for Software Engineering IBM Research; IBM Fellow

“There is no doubt that AI is transforming business. In Human + Machine we are provided a sense of how, where, and most important, what to do about it. The book’s sample of 1,500 practitioners provides insights that go way beyond individual anecdotal applications. A must-read for today’s manager!”

Len Schlesinger
Baker Foundation Professor, Harvard Business School; Former Vice Chairman and Chief Operating Officer, Limited Brands (now L Brands)

“A must-read for business managers who know AI should be a big part of their job but find the topic intimidating and confusing.”

Missy Cummings
Professor, Pratt School of Engineering; Director, Humans and Autonomy Laboratory, Duke University

“In Human + Machine, Daugherty and Wilson have published a crucial perspective on the future of work, illuminating the human-machine relationship in a way that will help us all better understand, discuss, and shape our AI future.”

Terah Lyons
Founding Executive Director, Partnership on AI; Former advisor, White House Office of Science and Technology Policy

About Paul

About Jim

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