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Case Study

Digitizing business services

Reimagining business services to better serve clients and enable Accenture growth and resilience

Call for change

“Accenture’s digital transformation is breaking down the barriers of internal inefficiencies and putting the power of digital technologies in the hands of our people.”

— SHANE MARSHALL, Managing Director – Global IT, Client and Market Technology

When tech meets human ingenuity



“By aligning and integrating our technology and the support of our corporate functions, our client account and management teams can now better focus on the direction and profitability of Accenture’s business.”

— ANDREW INCHLEY, Managing Director – Accenture Finance Strategy and Enablement
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Manage myBusiness is a performance management platform to help client and portfolio leaders to make informed, data-driven decisions.

Manage mySales brings sales processes and capabilities online and integrates them to connect the right people, assets and data for more effective sales pursuits.

Manage myPrice is a pricing architect in-a-box that has reinvented our approach to sales and delivery integration.

Manage myDeal is a central platform that digitizes Accenture contracts, optimizing workflow and promoting transparency.

Manage myEngagements handles teamwork, tracks and forecasts resources’ work effort and manages contract financials.

Manage myTeam uses enhanced analytics and business insights to drive efficiencies, simplify processes and improve productivity for complex team management.

Manage myRecords handles new contracts, extensions or terminations, manages compliance in line with information management policy and has at-a-glance progress updates.

Manage myContracts offers a simple way to track and manage contracts through shared data, reporting and dashboards.

ALICE, Accenture Legal Intelligent Contract Exploration tool uses artificial intelligence to make contracts more searchable and translate with high accuracy.

Client Business Projection is a solution that brings sales and revenue data together to facilitate a new online, automated and forward-looking forecasting capability.

Automated invoicing solution supports billing production requests in a single, cohesive flow across our various platforms.

A valuable difference

“With the support of insights and accurate, timely information, our people are free to focus on developing client relationships and innovating to grow our resilience."

— PENELOPE PRETT, Chief Information Officer – Accenture


of enterprise data.


reduction in invoice production cycle from three days to 10 minutes.


log-ins in the first month of launch of Client Business Projection.


data entry spreadsheet errors (down from 30%) due to automated invoicing.


contracts onboarded in Manage myDeal system in the first three months.


accuracy in less than three seconds for win opportunities with Manage mySales.

Meet the team

Christina Demetriades

General Counsel – EMEA

Andrew Inchley

Managing Director – Finance, Strategy and Enablement

Guy Maes

Managing Director – Business Performance Lead

Shane Marshall

Managing Director – Global IT, Client & Market Technology

Sara Porter

Managing Director – Sales Excellence

Amy Kempiak

Director – Global IT, Journey & Change Management