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Governing Blockchain/DLT networks

September 4, 2019

Tremendous innovation in Blockchain/ DLT

Accenture and DTCC leaders discuss DLT governance.

The need for oversight and governance among the institutions that participate in the regulated financial industry is necessary if DLT is to continue to grow and be successfully adopted.

The DLT network governance model is composed of eight functional areas. DLT Governance Operating Model (DLT-GM)

Functionalities and considerations for each area:

Administrative governance

Overall insight, decision-making from advisory bodies: Steering Committee, Functional Working Group, Technical Working Group and Change Management.

Participant lifecycle

Aspects of onboarding a new network member, the interactions during that member’s participation (including nodes) and the steps to off-board a member.

Runtime operations

Updates to node software can be automated, coordinating deployments to a common time. Real world implications make the change process more complex.


DLT’s value is the alignment to industry approved standards and distribution through smart contracts to every node upon approval.

Third party management

Coordinate outside interests in the DLT network including operating utility, network service providers and platform vendors.

Platform management

An additional source of change enabled by the DLT ecosystem, is the opportunity for individual parties to collaborate on new, smart contract code.


Oversight of the core network management functions including: Operations, Cybersecurity, Environment, Continuity and Compliance.

Legal and Finance

Specifically to DLT, patent risk, vendor licensing and open source risk are key for networks, especially as they cross global borders.

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Former Managing Director

Wynn Davies

Managing Director – Accenture Capital Markets, North America

Wynn works primarily with sell side firms, exchanges and clearing houses delivering strategic and regulatory change.

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