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What Accenture did

Greater Visibility

Create a framework to help global stakeholders obtain greater visibility into major operational issues in specific countries.

Improve Quality

Improve quality of service by restructuring service delivery teams to expedite inquiry response rates.

Communication Framework

Establish a formal communication framework to track performance and provide Microsoft with regular visibility.

Managing transitions to reduce risk and disruption

  • Comprehensive planning exercises to define the global process for payroll in each country.
  • Transition broken into waves over 2.5 years, with a typical wave including more than 20 countries.
  • Development of two key roles: Accenture’s Assistant Payroll Consultants (APCs) Microsoft’s Payroll Service Delivery Managers (PSDMs)

Ongoing improvements in real time

  • Quality Assurance and Training team focused on improving standardized processes across all service regions.
  • Traditional monthly business reviews were restructured to stimulate engagement with a broader range of stakeholders.
  • Developed and implemented a Power BI tool, providing a consolidated dashboard of service metrics.

People and culture

Value delivered


Serving more than 43,000 employees in 88 countries.


Operating in 15 languages from four Accenture Delivery Centers.


Managing, on average, nearly 2,900 employee inquiries per month.


Preventing overpayments and underpayments, including more than US$10 million to date.

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