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Reinvent your organization and drive value with sustainability

Integrate sustainability into your strategy, operations and culture to meet stakeholder expectations, increase resilience and create financial and non-financial value.

Why sustainability strategy matters


of business leaders around the world agree that the private sector plays a crucial role in achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals


of CEOs believe it is their role to make their businesses more sustainable


of companies are on track to be net zero in their operations by 2050


of companies say adapting to climate change and sustainability is in their top 3 drivers for technology investment

What you can do

Review and pursue clear strategies to mitigate physical and regulatory risk, and evolve products and services, business models, collaborations to preserve growth.

Develop the ESG Intelligence to quantify the financial and non-financial returns driving investment and operational decisions. Ensure transparent regulatory reporting.

Educate investors and stakeholders to evaluate resilience and risk profile over the short, medium and long-term. Demonstrate your differentiation from industry peers to shape investor and regulatory support.

Understand the capabilities and digital core needed to steer, run and grow your business sustainably over the next 5 years. Embed sustainability into committed capital and organisational change programs to optimize the cost benefit equation.

Our leaders

Toby Siddall

Managing Director – Sustainability Strategy Lead, Accenture 

Sandro Orneli

Managing Director – Sustainability Strategy Lead, EMEA

Ashley-Rachelle Horstman

Managing Director – Sustainability Strategy Lead, Americas