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Descripción De La Posición

Job Summary: 

The Capability Enablement is a new finance team within the Profit & Cost Capability organization. The team partners with Functional domains, Cost categories and Profit Management and Activation team in areas of Reporting, Accounting, Cost Architecture and Process Documentation. The team drives efficiency through synergy, centralized efforts and gaining deep expertise in subjects.

The role will align closely with Proft Management and Activation tower.

Key responsibilities:

  • Partner with existing finance and non-finance experts to streamline the efficient aggregation of information (e.g. Sales, Quality, Non-Contract Costs, etc…).
  • Run and maintain reports and analysis towards sustainable profitability growth and optimizing profitability.
  • Initial actions will be anchored to the profit levers model, in use today and included in the Accenture Enterprise Navigator (Sales & Revenue, Cost To Serve, Non-Contract Costs, etc..).
  • Success will be measured through the realization of increased profit at stakeholder nodes.

We expect the day-to-day responsibilities to include several meetings with Senior Business Leaders helping to solve problems and highlight specific profit improvement actions. These experiences will provide the Profit Management & Activation team member an opportunity to influence our business and financial results in an entirely new and exciting way.


Behaviors, Skills & Work Experience:

  • Confident and comfortable dealing with Finance and non-finance executive leadership
  • Ability to lead and drive in a fast-paced business environment.
  • Strong foundational understanding of Accenture’s economic model, key Finance metrics and Financial Management Systems.
  • Strong communication and storytelling skills, ability to build strong networks and collaboration environments.
  • Consistent learner with an ability to apply learnings through surfacing actionable, business-relevant insight and recommendations.
  • Innovative mindset.
  • Excel, PowerPoint, Word, and working knowledge of ACN financial application suite (e.g., SAP, BR, MMB, Navigator, Digital Tools, etc.).
  • Minimum of 3 years’ experience in finance.

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