We understand you received a fake translation job, money or career offer. Sadly, this is a common scam, often operated by a criminal party. Scammers often pull details from your social media posts to personalize this fraudulent message. They then target you through Telegram messages, or channels like Signal, WhatsApp, LinkedIn, Facebook or email.
Accenture, our people and our partners are not involved in these scams and will never ask for payment to interview or work with our company. Accenture conducts business only through valid Accenture email addresses like accenture.com and does not conduct company communications through outside chat messages.
Social media platforms have great networking benefits, but they also serve as a space for scammers to find potential targets. Be cautious when receiving business messages, especially those asking for sensitive information or a quick response. Always verify the authenticity of any questionable or urgent communication. Individuals or organizations questioning correspondence appearing to come from Accenture, can use the Contact Us button found on the bottom of this page to confirm the communication’s legitimacy.
If you currently partner or contract with Accenture and have received an unexpected or suspicious email or call request, please reach out to your Accenture contact to confirm the request is legitimate.
We regret any inconvenience this situation may have caused.