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Women on Walls

“The contribution of women in society is too often invisible. Who we see on the walls, tells us about what we as a society value, about who is welcome, about who fits in. We set out on the journey of Women on Walls with the ambition of making women leaders visible to inspire future generations.”

— Dr Michelle Cullen, Managing Director and Head of Inclusion & Diversity, Accenture in Ireland

About the Campaign

Our subjects

Brigid Carmody

Coordinator of Cork Traveller Women's Network, a grass-roots community organisation that works for Traveller rights, leadership, culture and heritage.

Mary Crilly

Feminist activist and founding member and CEO of the Sexual Violence Centre Cork.

Dr. Myra Cullinane

Medical doctor, barrister and Senior Dublin District coroner who held the Stardust inquests.

Dr. Evelyn Grant

Musician, broadcaster, educator, arts advocate, social entrepreneur and co-founder of the Cork Pops Orchestra.

Dr. Naomi Masheti

Psychologist, three-time UCC graduate and Programme Director of the Cork Migrant Centre.

Honora ‘Nano’ Nagle (1718-1784)

Pioneering educator, defender of the poor and founder of the Presentation Sisters religious order.

Edna O’Brien (1930-2024)

Novelist, memoirist, playwright, poet and short-story writer.

Joanne O’Riordan

Sports journalist, disability activist, motivational speaker and student of law.

Dr. Patricia Sheahan

Consultant palliative care physician and head of palliative care at University Hospital Kerry.

Caitríona Twomey

Volunteer co-ordinator of Cork Penny Dinners, a charity that offers food and support to anyone in need.

Dola Twomey

Therapist/activist at the Sexual Violence Centre Cork.

Open call for Artists

The Journey So Far

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